When we think of book clubs, it usually evokes some sort of stereotype.
An image of spectacled intellectuals sitting on mahogany furniture discussing philosophy. Or maybe it reminds you of a recent rom-com featuring four golden girls giggling and drinking too much wine.
Here, book clubs are as interesting, diverse and dynamic as the population. Genres span everything from poetry to graphic novels and meet ups can take place virtually anywhere.
These are some of Miami’s book clubs and literary gatherings:
Celebrating more than 30 years, the Brickell Avenue Literary Society has hosted more than 200 authors from around the world. Membership fee is $50/$30 per author event, which includes lunch and a signed copy of the book. For more information, visit http://www.brickellavenueliterarysociety.wildapricot.org.
Erin Colbert started the Romance and NA Fiction Book Club of Miami as a way to expand her social circle after moving to Miami. It’s for women who love to ready romance, new adult and other fun fiction reads. They usually meet for happy hour, dinner or brunch to discuss the books. For more information, visit https://www.meetup.com/Romance-and-YA-Fiction-Book-Club-of-Miami.
Founded by a historian/lawyer, the South Florida Libation and Literature Book Group is focused on reading both emerging and well-known authors that showcase great writing and meaningful storytelling. The group meets in Miami and Fort Lauderdale locations. For more information, visit https://www.meetup.com/The-Libation-and-Literature-Book-Group.
Pageturners: A Miami Book Club for Women is a self-proclaimed book club for modern women who are die-hard bookworms. They meet twice a month to discuss books and every few weeks for casual get-togethers. For more information, visit https://www.meetup.com/miamipageturners.
The WLRN Sundial Book Club is an online book club. Join the Facebook group to discuss stories and characters that are uniquely South Florida. A new book is selected the first Tuesday of every month and club members are encouraged to share their thoughts anytime, but please no spoilers. For more information, visit https://www.wlrn.org/sundial-book-club.
The Green Book Club meets at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden every first Wednesday of the month from November through May (except for December when they meet off site during Art Basel). The club reads books on topics that green-thumbs love best — such as nature, gardens, conservation and the environment. For more information, visit https://www.mbgarden.org.
The CEO Book Club was launched in 2017 by Danilo Vargar of Accelerate South Dade, a small business and nonprofit incubator. The club reads one book per month and meet during lunch hours to accommodate busy schedules. For more information, visit http://acceleratesouthdade.com.